When you look at this kind of mirror, your image would look larger and you could see yourself more clearly.

Charity Events

Fucking Pissed

It’s been a really, really bad day.  I’m on the board of a local organization that works with kids.  Said board was having an event today for said kids, which the President of said board canceled without informing everyone involved (read me).  Now, I spent a long time prepping for said event, got up extra early, got gussied (because I couldn’t attend *naked* for heaven’s sake), and shifted all sorts of things to perform my particular part only to arrive and find … no one there.  Ms. President canceled said event because it was to be held outdoors and there was a threat of rain.  The time for the event has passed with only a few sprinkles during the period of lunchtime.  I would be slightly amused were I not so pissed.

I am out for a little revenge.  One nice thing is that I cannot attend on the “rain” date, which was just settled on this morning without consultation of the board (read me).  This does make me sad for the kids, as my part in the event is always something they very much enjoy.  But I can’t be there and as I can’t, I feel a slight little joy.  Vindictive?  Fuck yes.  I can be a little bit of a bitch when the mood suits.  Shocking, I’m sure.

Don’t worry, I’m not going out to slash tires, put Ex-Lax in lunches, or post nasty things on Facebook.  Honestly, none of those even occurred to me.  I will calm down sometime next week and have a good laugh.  We Southerners are, as a lot, quite a resilient bunch who never carry a grudge.  Just ask us about the late great unpleasantness.

Y’all have a good day.  I’m going to have a hot bath, a beer (so what if it’s 3 in the afternoon?), and some chocolate.  See you when I calm down ….

Extend a Helping Hand ….

Dress (Evie’s Closet) and boat (Sanu) from the Extend a Helping Hand Event to help the victims of the Queensland floods.